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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Play Hard Work Hard

Huuaahhh,,,Today is very hard day..I get complain from my client..I get confuse with job..Actually,,I get some difficult with job..So difficult to get many clients which wants save their money in mY bank (Syariah Bukopin)..

I dont know,,wHat's wRong with My seLf..But HoneStLy I caNt makes s0me peopLe trUst me..
I alwaYs try many wAys to give inFormation to otHers..
But until now,iT doesn't Work successfull.

Sometimes I get down with mY self...Always think hard How I can makes people trust me...
Maybe I dont haVe taLent in mArketing..But Until now,,I dont give Up with this..Always try and try again..Even I kNow I dont have a talent in here,,I aLways Try And Try...

If U guys and girls wHo visit my Blog haVe any metHode..Please TeLL Me..
For Ur atTention,,I just can Say Thanks..